There are many questions raises in the mind about Fistula, specially when someone has minor or major anal problem, they literally have many doubts that from what I’m going through? Is it fistula? What are causes? and Why it happens? So here are the answers of the most frequently asked questions about Fistula. Hope you…
Dr. Devendra Shah is the mastermind behind setting up a well equipped and furnished hospital amidst the city of Ahmedabad. He is in active practice as a consultant Proctologist (Kharasutra Therapy for Anorectal Disorders) since 1982. With more than 38 years of experience among the surgeons in India, Dr. Devendra Shah has managed to provide…

There are several treatment options for piles, also known as hemorrhoids. These include: Lifestyle changes: Eating a high-fiber diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting regular exercise can help prevent constipation and reduce pressure on the rectal veins. Over-the-counter creams and suppositories: These can provide temporary relief from itching, burning, and pain. Medications: Oral pain…

Individuals are befuddled between side effects of all the way of life sicknesses influencing anorectal wellbeing of people like heaps, stoppage, hernia, fistula, gaps, pilonidal sinus, prolapse, varicose veins, and stomach related infections. Here are the most often posed inquiries about hemorrhoids (heaps) to assist you with the fundamental data. What are hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are…

Now a days piles become a common disease and most of us knows that piles as hemorrhoids that is the same thing but what we don’t know is that 5 in 10 will experience piles somewhere in their lifetime so it is very important to have a good piles treatment. Piles means swelling of the…

Are there any blood spots in your stool? Do you feel a burning pain that may remain for a really long time after defecation? Do you feel you are going through the broken glass while passing out a stool? If above all questions are related to you and if you are suffering from any of…

Life is great just when your health is good. There are numerous medical problems and health issues a lot of people manage and deal with each day. And the serious issue is fissure or hemorrhoids or piles. With very little consultation and a change in lifestyle, piles can be controlled. Hemorrhoids are a condition where…

Piles are a reddened and swollen collection of tissue in the anal area. They may be internal or external piles with a range of sizes. They are also termed Hemorrhoids. Generally, 8 out of 10 adults can have piles or hemorrhoids from time to time. It is a very common disease and almost 80% of…

Piles, is a very common condition that most people don’t like to talk about. It is embarrassing, painful, and because it occurs in the anal region, many people choose not to seek treatment from a doctor. The good news is that you can find a piles treatment that works for you, There are number of…

Pilonidal Sinus, also known as tailbone abscess, is a capsule containing bacteria (pus) below the skin, in other words, enfleshed, in the natal cleft and its nearby part of the buttocks. The capsule is formed by bacteria to create an environment in which they can survive inside the human body. A tailbone abscess spreads, turning…