Are there any blood spots in your stool? Do you feel a burning pain that may remain for a really long time after defecation? Do you feel you are going through the broken glass while passing out a stool? If above all questions are related to you and if you are suffering from any of…

A person experiencing anal fissure will firstly experience bleeding a tearing, ripping, or burning sensation after bowel movement. When a fissure develops, these signs frequently occur every after-bowel elimination and the rectal pain can last several minutes to an hour. When the fissure becomes long-lasting, the bleeding will stop but the pain will continue to…

Pilonidal Sinus Pilonidal Sinus a term derived from the Latin word. It means a nest of hair. So, from the meaning only it is showing the main cause of Pilonidal which is ingrown hair. From 10000 people in India a year, 0.03% are suffering from Pilonidal Sinus. It is common among youngsters in India. As…

Anal Fissures which is not the topic for “Chai pe Characha” kind off nor it’s a topic for friends/family gathering because the people are ashamed of this problem to discuss with any. As per the report, Anal fissures affect males and females equally; however, an anterior fissure is more likely to develop in women (25%)…

As we growing up there is its own advantages and disadvantages. Included in the latter are piles, clinically known as haemorrhoids, which is a condition when veins in your rectum or under the skin around the anus swell. These swollen blood vessels can turn bowel movement into an intensely painful experience. According to a research,…