Are there any blood spots in your stool? Do you feel a burning pain that may remain for a really long time after defecation? Do you feel you are going through the broken glass while passing out a stool? If above all questions are related to you and if you are suffering from any of…

A person experiencing anal fissure will firstly experience bleeding a tearing, ripping, or burning sensation after bowel movement. When a fissure develops, these signs frequently occur every after-bowel elimination and the rectal pain can last several minutes to an hour. When the fissure becomes long-lasting, the bleeding will stop but the pain will continue to…

There are many questions raises in the mind about Fistula, specially when someone has minor or major anal problem, they literally have many doubts that from what I’m going through? Is it fistula? What are causes? and Why it happens? So here are the answers of the most frequently asked questions about Fistula. Hope you…

Anal Fissures which is not the topic for “Chai pe Characha” kind off nor it’s a topic for friends/family gathering because the people are ashamed of this problem to discuss with any. As per the report, Anal fissures affect males and females equally; however, an anterior fissure is more likely to develop in women (25%)…